Investigating Nutrient Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems (INCyTE)
Along with Cory Cleveland and others, I am a Co-PI for INCyTE, a new NSF Research Coordination Network (RCN) devoted to addressing how nutrients regulate the global carbon cycle. On behalf of the INCyTE steering committee, we hope you will consider participating in this exciting new project! Please spread the word and check back soon for more info on our website, or follow us on Twitter. I am especially interested in hearing from early career folks who would like to be involved.
INCyTE brings together two communities that historically have not interacted closely: biogeochemical experimentalists and earth system modelers. The overarching goals of INCyTE are to enhance our understanding of nutrient cycling feedbacks on the global carbon (C) cycle in general, and to integrate different investigators, data, and experimental and conceptual frameworks to improve representation of nutrient interactions and constraints on the global terrestrial C cycle in Earth System Models.
INCyTE brings together two communities that historically have not interacted closely: biogeochemical experimentalists and earth system modelers. The overarching goals of INCyTE are to enhance our understanding of nutrient cycling feedbacks on the global carbon (C) cycle in general, and to integrate different investigators, data, and experimental and conceptual frameworks to improve representation of nutrient interactions and constraints on the global terrestrial C cycle in Earth System Models.